Medical Second Opinion Service (MSO)

If you are our member eligible for Medical Second Opinion Service (MSO) under your insurance plan, you can call the MediGuide Hotline in Hong Kong at (852) 8101 3682 to seek for Medical Second Opinion Service FREE of charge (Hotline operating hours from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday except for public holidays). 

When diagnosed with a serious illness, you want an independent analysis and an experienced specialist who can help you face a challenging situation more confidently and allow you to make an informed decision about treatment options available for your condition.

With the Medical Second Opinion Service, you will have immediate access to world-class physicians in the USA and other leading international medical centers to give a complete medical file review for you and assessment review of the treatment plan, etc. The MSO is provided by MediGuide which is a renowned US institution specialising exclusively in medical second opinions.

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